
November 20, 2018

You want to prepare a cake for your dear ones, but you don’t have a microwave! In that case, just stop worrying and try this amazing Homemade Cake recipe prepared using a pressure cooker. An ideal dessert for birthdays and anniversaries, this homemade cake recipe is popular for its fresh and fluffy base. Made with all-purpose flour, eggs, and vanilla essence, this easy eggetarian recipe can also be used as a base for making other cake variations. It might look difficult to prepare this cake, especially, in a similar way prepared by connoisseurs. However, you will be surprised to know that it is the easiest cake that can be prepared in just a few minutes using some simple tips and tricks given below. Also, if you have sudden guests dropping by and you feel too lazy to make something exotic and elaborate, then this cake can serve as a perfect high-tea snack. The best thing about preparing this cake at home is that you can control the quality of ingredients used. Moreover, you can also add ingredients as per your palate preference, for instance, if you are fond of exotic dried fruits and nuts, you can dry roast and add it to the batter, this will certainly accentuate the taste of this Cake recipe. So, try this simple yet delectable cake recipe, and delve into the flavors of this delightful homemade cake.